Welcome to our website! So happy to see you:)
For updates on new issues and submitting work redirect to our instagram page:

Have a look at our previous issues!


Would you like to submit your work to be published in the next issue of TRY TO BE INVISIBLE?

What can you submit?

You can submit up to three works, anything from written texts to drawings, photographs of artworks, and so on. As you know there is a theme for each issue but it doesn't matter if your work doesn't fit the theme.
Please note that we will not be able to pay you for your submissions. We are an independent magazine and do not make any profit. All we can offer is a platform to share and promote your work.

How to submit your work:

You can submit your work via email (address can be found on our instagram page).The email with your submission(s) should include a short introduction (please state your name and the name under which you want to be published) and one or more document(s) with your work(s). The preferred formats are pdf and jpg. Please let us know if the layout of your work can be changed or not and include a title for your work.
If you can, please fill out the google form that can be found on our instagram page:)
We will contact you some time after the deadline to let you know if your work will be featured in the next issue.